How a Smile Makeover Improves Oral Health

Smile Makeover Sterling, VA

Choosing to proceed with a smile makeover can help increase confidence for those who suffer from missing, crooked, or damaged teeth, but they may not know that it can improve their oral health as well. While this procedure provides positive aesthetic results, it may also resolve specific problems that, if left untreated, may cause concerns later on. It is worth pursuing a smile makeover treatment as it is an investment in your health and can improve your appearance.

What is involved in a smile makeover?

This makeover usually varies from patient to patient, depending on individual needs. There are several different options, including: 

  • Replacing missing teeth with implants
  • Straightening crooked teeth
  • Updating fillings
  • Fixing tooth gaps

As individuals who desire treatment discuss different options with their dentists, they may understand how a makeover for their smile can improve overall oral health simultaneously.

Reduce gingivitis

Gum disease can cause gum tissue to become inflamed and sore when improper or infrequent brushing causes a buildup of plaque along the gumline. When plaque is not removed, it turns to a hard substance called tartar, which can increase the buildup of bacteria in that area. Therefore, before they can begin the process of a makeover, dentists will likely give patients a thorough cleaning, removing hardened tartar and reducing any inflammation.

Eliminate halitosis

Broken teeth and gum issues may cause chronic halitosis, or bad breath, that mints or mouthwash only mask temporarily. The root of the problem lurks in between teeth, where food particles hide and the gums become infected. A dentist can resolve these issues and eliminate chronic halitosis while improving patients' smiles.

Prevent teeth shifting

When people experience tooth loss or have a broken tooth extracted but not replaced, the surrounding teeth may shift due to the empty gum pocket left behind. Over time, if the teeth shift over far enough, it can cause severe bite misalignment that may make chewing uncomfortable. During a smile makeover, patients with missing teeth can discuss the possibility of implants that replace them. Today's tooth implants look like natural teeth, are simple to care for, and can last for years, keeping other teeth in place and preserving a new, properly-aligned smile.

Reduce mouth bacteria 

Infrequent brushing and flossing can lead to more than gum disease. As periodontal disease progresses, the infection breeds bacteria, which is then sent to the bloodstream via saliva. Over time, this constant introduction of bacteria may cause damage to the heart, liver, and even the kidneys, which may lead to serious medical problems later on. When people choose to improve their smile, they may also reduce the risk of illness brought on by bacteria that form due to poor gum health.

What kind of smile makeovers are there?

Depending on your situation, there are several makeover treatments that could help improve your oral health. When considering which one to pursue, check with a dental professional for a treatment that takes into account your current facial profile and appearance, as well as your oral health needs. These are some of the more common treatment options.

Dental veneers

Those who have severely stained or discolored teeth may want to cover these marks to enhance their smile. Dental veneers can be used to hide imperfections with the color of the teeth, but these can also be used to help cover chips, cracks, or small gaps between the teeth.

Dental implants

For those with missing teeth, an implant can provide a replacement and create a more uniform smile. Though it helps with looks, replacing missing teeth can make it easier to chew foods and enjoy activities that are often complicated by lost teeth or unstable dentures.

Dental crowns

For severely damaged teeth, a crown can both change the appearance and help protect the remaining natural portion of the tooth. These are often made with ceramic or porcelain material and adhered to the entire surface of the tooth, creating a protective but natural-looking shield on the tooth.

Teeth whitening

This is another option for teeth that have experienced discoloring from age, smoking, or consuming foods or liquids that stain. You can also use whitening to restore a bright, whiter color to teeth that are marred by plaque buildup.


A smile makeover can not only make its recipients feel more confident about social interactions but also may prevent certain illnesses that may affect them for years. While the goal of such an improvement is a radiant smile, it can also support overall good health, no matter the procedure patients choose.

Request an appointment here: or call Brighter Smile Family Dentistry & Orthodontics at (703) 994-4044 for an appointment in our Sterling office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Smile Makeover in Sterling, VA.

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